HOA Forcing Teen Who Lost Both Parents Out of His Grandparents 55+ Community

An HOA in Arizona is insisting that a teen find another place to live because they say it could cause legal problems in the 55+ community.

A 15-year-old boy came to live with his grandparents after both his parents died two weeks apart. The Gardens at Willow Creek HOA board sent a letter to the Passmores saying that the teen’s presence could cause legal problems within the community and “the board must balance the interests of all parties involved.”

“It’s amazing how one rule is more important than one person’s life,” said Melodie Passmore, grandmother.

After gaining attention in the media, the board has updated their statement:

“The Gardens at Willow Creek legal counsel and legal counsel for the Passmores have been in contact, and the board is working with the Passmores to resolve this matter.”

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